Have you had enough winning yet? Many people, on both sides of the isle, are coming to me with their fears and frustrations over the state of our union. With bombings, threats of war, Russian crap, lies, and posturing, there is so much pain. Our tolerance for gaslighting has worn thin.
So now what? For many, posting on Facebook and talking to people that think like us no longer feels like enough. I have a few strategies you can use to free up more energy, heal wounds this mess is triggering and find your voice in the fray:
Get your butt GROUNDED!
We have nothing to give when we're freaking out. We diffuse our energy and get zero done. I know we're all programed to believe that the only way to make a difference is to be in a frenzy but that is complete bs.
A simple Grounding technique is to take a few deep breaths and then see a cord going down from your spine and connecting to the core of the earth. Feel the earth energy coming up through the cord into your body. Easy. Breathe, see the cord going down, get back into your body, breathe. This is the place from which you can really begin to make a difference.
This is not permission to bypass your feelings. You can still sit with your feelings AND be grounded. Give it a shot!
What does all of this mean to me?
Ask yourself this question. What does this mess trigger in you? For some it's the feeling of decisions being made for us that we don't agree with. For others, it triggers issues we had with a parent. Take some time to think about the feeling that comes up when you hear about what is going on. Where in other parts of your life does that feeling come up?
Now, take a small action in your personal life to shift this dynamic. If, for example, the feeling is about "not being heard" then find a way to speak up about anything.
At work, make a decision and stick up for it. Model a co-worker that always gets heard. At home, decide the family is having what you want for dinner and don't waiver.
Another trigger would be "not being able to sit with fear". Many of our parents didn't know how to help us feel fear so they used distraction which just let us ignore it. So now, you hear about a military action and how do you cope? When we don't know how to be with our fear it builds up in our system and leaves us paralyzed.
Try asking for just a little piece of the fear to come up for you to feel. Just let it be a little sensation in your body that you accept in this moment. Feel it and let it move through you. If you need to, ask for help with this. Find the beautiful thing that the feeling is holding for you, it's always there.
Once you start to change your world, we all feel the ripples.
Once you begin to heal your triggers, you will know how to take larger action. Focusing on healing yourself doesn't prevent you from making a difference in the world. It helps you know how affect change from a grounded place and make the biggest possible impact.
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